Page:The adventures of Pinocchio (Cramp 1904).djvu/216

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so, and the Fox’s hair was all shaggy and he had lost his tail.

“Oh, Pinocchio,” cried the Fox, “give a little charity to two old people.”

“Two old people,” repeated the Cat.

“Good-by, masqueraders,” replied Pinocchio; “you deceived me once and now you are paying for it.”

“Believe us, Pinocchio, we are to-day truly poor and starving.”

“Truly,” repeated the Cat.

“If you are poor, you deserve it. Remember the proverb that says, ‘Stolen money will never bear fruit.’ Good-by, deceivers!”

“Have compassion on us.”

“On us,” said the Cat.

“Good-by. Remember the proverb that says, ‘Stolen wheat always makes poor bread.