Page:The adventures of Pinocchio (Cramp 1904).djvu/42

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“But I am not like other boys. I am better than all the rest and I always speak the truth. I promise you, Papa, that I will learn a trade, and that I will be your consolation and your support in your old age.”

Geppetto, although he had the face of a tyrant, began to shed tears, and his heart was full of compassion when he saw poor little Pinocchio in such a state. He took his tools and two pieces of wood and began to work very diligently.

In less than an hour the new feet were finished. They were two nimble and nervous feet, and were made so beautifully that they looked as if they might have been carved by a great artist. Then Geppetto said to the marionette, “Close your eyes and go to sleep.”

Pinocchio closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. Meantime Geppetto stuck on the two feet with a little glue; and he did it so well that one could hardly see the place where they were joined. As soon as the marionette saw that his feet were on, he jumped down and began to dance around as if he were mad with joy.

“In order to pay you back for your kindness,” said Pinocchio to his papa, “I wish to go to school immediately.”

"Good boy!”