Page:The adventures of Pinocchio (Cramp 1904).djvu/60

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taken aback. “I hate to make your mouths water, but I have here, as you shall see, five beautiful pieces of gold.”

And he pulled out of his pocket the money that Fire Eater had given him. At the sound of the money the Fox involuntarily stretched his leg that was paralyzed and the Cat opened wide his eyes that looked like two green lamps; but it was all done so quickly that Pinocchio did not see anything. “And now,” said the Fox, “what do you propose to do with all that money?”

“First of all,” replied the marionette, “I shall buy a coat for my papa, all covered with gold and silver and with buttons of brilliants. Then I shall buy a new A B C card for myself.”

“For yourself?”

“Yes, indeed, because I wish to go to school and begin to study.”

“Look at me,” said the Fox; “because of my passion for studying I have lost a leg.”

“Look at me!” cried the Cat; “because of my love for studying I have lost both eyes.”

In the meantime a Blackbird flew near them and said: “Pinocchio, do not listen to the counsel of bad companions. If you do, you will be sorry.”

Just as soon as the Blackbird had said that, the Cat gave a spring and caught it by the back. Before