Page:The ancient Irish church.djvu/195

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Gildas, 83.

Giraldus Cambrensis, 8.

Gregory, Pope, sends Augustine to England, 110.

Henry II., King of England, 181.

Hereditary succession in Irish bishoprics, 162.

Hilda, Saint, 95.

Holmpatrick, synod of, 178.

Honorius, Pope, letter of, 127.

Hugh de Lacy, death of, 185.

Immorality, charged against Irish Church, 187.

Iona, 58, 60, sq., 135; decline of, 136; attacked by Danes, 145.

Isolation of Irish Church, 53; increased by Saxon invasion of England, ib.'

Island of Saints, 50.

Justin Martyr, 11.

Jewish rites in Irish Church, 67.

Kells, the new Iona, 115; synod of, 179, sq.

Kildare, 91; illumination of manuscripts at, 93; sacred fire of, ib.

Learning in Irish monasteries, 71.

Lindisfarne, 114.

Maelsuthain, soul friend to Brian Boru, 103.

Malachy, Saint, appointed Bishop of Armagh, 167; ejected, 168; Life of, by St. Bernard, 8, 170; visits Rome, 176; death of, 179.

Mansuetus, 15.

Manuscripts, illuminated, 64.

Mellifont, 177.

Molaise, soul friend to Columba, 57.

Monastery, Irish, described, 40; for both sexes, 44, 95.

Monastic system of Irish Church, 14, 38, 66; origin of. 38; disadvantages of, 50; differs from modern monasticism, 177.

Monastic Rules, lax and strict, 83.

Needfire, 29.

Norsemen, not evangelized until a late period, 13.

O'Brolcan, Flaherty, 186.

Ordinations, difference of, between Rome and Ireland, 120; of Irish not admitted by Rome, 147.

Oswald, King of Northumbria, 113.

Palladias, 116.

Palls for Irish Archbishops, 176.

Paparo, Cardinal, visits Ireland, 179.

Paschal Controversy, 77. See Easter.

Patrick, Saint, captivity in Ireland, 17; writings of, 18; life in Britain, 22; biographies of, 8, 23, 139; connection with Gaul, 21; sup-