Page:The ancient language, and the dialect of Cornwall.djvu/109

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89 Suddenly. SODENLY.

  • ' ! word, for pure anguysh that he toke sodenly.^'

(The Merchants Second Tale.)

    • And songen all the roundel lustily,

Into a studie he fell sodenlyJ'^ (The Knighte's Tale.) Swift. SJFIFR ♦ ^ Beryn made a swyj^ pase ; ther myght no man him let." (The Merchant's Second Tale.) Swoon. SWOTJN.

  • ' Or of aught elles, fledde were out of tonne,

Adoune he fell all sodainly in sioouneJ" (Troilus and Creseide.) Tackling. TAKELING.

    • They made their tahelyng redy, and wend the sail acres/'

(The Merchant's Second Tale,) Than, THEN.

  • ♦ Se the wondir pleys then all the good I have."

(The Merchant's Second Tale.) The other. THE TOTHER. '* The f other sette on erth, and fast began to fle." (Coke's Tale of Gamelyn.) " Should do the Vodir's bidding." (The Merchant's Second Tale.) There. THEER and THER.

    • And aspyed reddy yf ye fynd me there (theer),

In the meen while I woll abyde here." (The Merchant's Second Tale.)

    • And so them thought betir and leve their good ther^

Then abyde ther oppon and have more fere." (Ibid.)