Page:The ancient language, and the dialect of Cornwall.djvu/125

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GLOSSARY OF CORNISH PROVINCIAL WORDS. Abear. To bear. (In Spenser.) Always used nega- tively in the Cornish dialect as, "I caan't ahear te do et.'^ Abroad. Wide open, as, "the door is abroad," also, mistaken, as, "he's all abroad there." Addle-pool. A cess-pool. In Celtic Cornish it is atal, refuse, waste; and j?o/, a pond, a pool, stagnant water, a miry place, mire, mud, slime ; a well, a pit. Adventurer. A shareholder. As in a mine, &c. Afered. Afraid. " Of his visage children were sore afered^ Chaucer.

  • ' Were thou afered of her eye ? " Goiver.

Afty or Aafty, Arter or Aarter. Various forms of the name Arthur. Agar. Ugly- This is a Celtic Cornish word and spelt hager, meaning ugly, deformed, rough, foul, evil, naughty, fierce, cruel. Agate. All agdte," i.e., full of expectation, all eye and ear, on the qui vive.