Page:The ancient language, and the dialect of Cornwall.djvu/222

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202 Kings. The name used at Eedruth for donkeys. Corn. Telegraph 1879. An ill applied name to so patient an animal. Kip. A. small net used to hang vegatables in. w.C.B. Kipes. See Giblets. Kipper. A male salmon. c. Kiskey. ^^ A dried brittle stem." " A withered kiskey of a rnan" m.a.c. Kist-vean. A. Celtic stone built chest or burial place. It is Celtic Cornish and reads literally chest little. Kit. A smear. To kit. To dab. HalliwelL Kit. Kith or kin ^^I'll turn out the whole kit," i.e., the whole lot of them. In Celtic Cornish heth, the com- mon people ; also, chet, a companion, a fellow. Kitey. Flighty, hair-brained, impulsive. Kittens. The kidneys. Kittereen. A primitive omnibus. ^*The Kit-tereen was a car that ran between Penzance and Truro, set up by Christopher Treen," (Kit Treen.) J.w. Kitting. Stealing ore. To kitt. To steal ore. Kitty-bags. Coarse cloths bound round the legs of labourers to keep them dry. They used also to wear straw or hay rope coiled round the legs as a protec- tion in rough weather. See Hay-bands. Kivver. A cover. Kevere, Chaucer,