Page:The ancient language, and the dialect of Cornwall.djvu/233

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213 Loustering. "A loustering man," i.e., a well-grown powerful man. " Loustering work," very hard work. Love-entangle. The fennel flower. Polwhele, Lubber-cocks. Turkey cocks. (Lubbcr-leets. M.A.C.) Lucky-bone. The knuckle-bone of a leg of mutton. Lud. " Sent all of a W," struck all of a heap. W.N. Lugg. Undergrowth of weed, clover, &c., among corn. Lug-worm. A salt-water worm, used for bait in fishing. Beach worm. Lump. To resign oneself to what is inevitable. "If you don't like it you must lump it." Lurk, or Lurgy. Laziness. ^' Fever lurh, neither play nor work." Brewer, Lurker. The small boat which attends the other boats in pilchard seining. The boat in which the master seiner goes. Mabyers. Chickens, young fowls. In Celtic Cornish mah (filius) a son. Maggots. Whims. ^' Such maggots ! " Maggoty pie. A mag-pie. Maggy-owler, or Maggy-owla. The goat moth. Cossus lignij)erda. Mahogany. Cin sweetened with treacle. Maidens' delight. See Boys' love.