Page:The ancient language, and the dialect of Cornwall.djvu/248

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228 OUick, or Hollick. House leeL House leek, used to be grown on house roofs, from the notion that it warded off lightning." Brewers Did. of Phrase and Fable. Oliphailt. Elephant. It is a Celtic Cornish word. Oodel-doodel. Helter-skelter. ^^And runned off oodel-doodel." Oost. See Hooze. ^(^rn in the Cornishinan, Oozle^ or Oozle-pipe. The windpipe. Ore-dresser. One who superintends the dressing operations of a mine, and is called the captain of the "floors," also "grass captain." E.N. Ore-plot. The place for depositing the dressed ore. Oreweed Sea weed. See Flote-ore. Orrel. A raised wooden porch or balcony of a house above the cellar, and approached by outside steps. Organs, or Orgal. Penny royal. Mentha pulegium, much used for " organ tay," (tea). OrtS. Leavings, scraps, fragments, as of food, &:c. This word is always plural. "The fractious of her faith, oris of her love " Shahpere. " Thou son of crumbs and orts.'^ B. Johnson. Outlander. A foreigner. Out of Core. Working " out of core," i.e., employing the spare time after the regular period of work. Out-winder. A bow window.