Page:The ancient language, and the dialect of Cornwall.djvu/251

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231 Pedalincan. The great cuttle fish. H.R.C. Pednan. Small pieces of turf. Davy, Zennor. Pedn-paley. The tom-tit. (Blue-tit. M.A.C.) This is a Celtic Cornish word, 2:)edn, a head; ^^a/^, satin, or velvet. Pedn-borbas. Cods' head. B.v. Celtic Cornish. (Pedn barvas. Pryce.) Peecher. A bait, an allurement. B.v. Peel. A pillow. Polivhele, Pilwe, Saxon. Pelf or Pilf^ Pelfy or Pilfy. See PlufF, and Pluffy. Pelt. In a pet, passion, or hurry. " Back he comes in a reg'lar pelt." Peendy, or Pindy. Tainted. Used of animal food going, or gone bad. Peeth. A well. M.A.C. (Wit; Peethy, witty). Prize. See Pize. Peise, Chaucer. Peizen, or Pizen. Weights. Peizer. a weigher. Pellar. A conjurer, a cunning man. Pellow-bere, or Pillow-bere. A pillow case. Pelwe-bere. Chaucer. Pelch, or Pilch. A three cornered clout, or napkin used for infants. Brewer, (Dicty. of Phrases) calls it " The flannel napkin of an infant." Saxon, ])ylche, a skin coat. Pilche, Chaucer. Penny-cake. The leaves of navel-wort. Children pluck and string them to resemble a pile of pennies.