Page:The ancient language, and the dialect of Cornwall.djvu/270

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250 Rise in the back. To work upwards towards the surface in mining. Rising of the lights. An hysterical or choking feeling in the throat. A ball in the throat. Globus hystericus. Roaring. Blubbering. Crying aloud with tears. Robin's alight. A game of forfeits played before the fire, by whirling a burning stick around. It is so moved and passed from one to another. The one who last holds it as the fire in the stick goes out, pays the forfeit. Rock basins. Round, or oval cavities of various sizes on the surface of granite rocks. Most rock basins are on a level, some on a sloping, and a very few on a perpendicular face of the rock. These basins are formed by the gradual action of water long resting on the rock in little pools, causing disintegration in the form, of a more or less shallow basin. Some basins are so artificial in appearance, that antiquaries have thought them wrought out so as to be pools of lustration. Some of these basins may have been altered, but they are almost entirely of natural for- mation, whatever their Druidical uses may have been. " Quid magis est saxo durum, — Quid mollius unda, Dura tamen moli saxa cavantur aqua." Ovid, Rode. Gumption, sense, nouse. Rodeling^ Roodling^ or Rodeless. Hesitating and uncertain in manner, vaccillating, maundering