Page:The ancient language, and the dialect of Cornwall.djvu/282

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262 Shammels. Stopes. A mining term. Shammel-whim. An engine for drawing the ore up over an inclined plane. Shammel- working. " A method of working by an open mine where .... they followed the lode as far and to as great a depth as they were able to pur- sue it." Polwhele. Shammick. A low, mean, shuffling fellow. Shamniick. To cheat, to act with low cunning. Shanny. The fish Blemdus ^Jiolis, c. Shape, or Shaape. A bad state or condition. ^'Here's a putty shaape!" i.e., Here's a mess! "What a shaape you'm in ! " i.e.. What a mess ! Shenagruin. Rum, sugar, and lemon with hot beer. M.A.C. SheevO. '^ Such a sheevo." A form of the word chivvy meaning a fuss or row. Shell-apple. The cross-bill. Tonkin. Shell-stone. A slate stone. In Devon, shindle-stone. Shift. A form of displacement in a lode in which it has become disjointed. E.N. Shigged- Cheated. T.c. " Shigged out." Shiner. A sweet-heart. w.t.a.p. Shivver. One of the bars of a gate.