Page:The ancient language, and the dialect of Cornwall.djvu/313

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293 Tifling. Fraying out. " tifling it out." Tig, or Tiggy. A children's game played by several of them, there being one at each station. They inter- change places. If in running from one station to the other a player be touched by the "Tig" (who is so called) the one touched becomes tig instead, and so on. This game is elswhere called Tag. Tight. A tight blow, i.e., a sharp blow, also (as els- where) drunk. " He's tight." Timbal. A mining tool. M.A.O. Timberin, or Temberin. Wooden. Timberin hill. The staircase, or road to bed. " Tis time for you to go up temberin hill.'^ Timdoodle. A silly fellow. Timmersome. Timid, nervous. Tin-glass. A name for bismuth. Borlase. Tine. A tooth of a harrow, c. To tine. (The same as to teen), to light, as of a candle. Ting. To tie up together. Tinged up. Tied up. "I shaan't be tinged up to he." ^^ Doant'ee come tinging aafter me. /. E, Netherton, Tink. A chaffinch. Tinker after. Courting, making up to, feeling a fondness for. Tinner. The water wagtail. BottrelL