Page:The ancient language, and the dialect of Cornwall.djvu/359

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339 The following is Mr. Bernard Victor^s reply : — Wellington Place, Mousehole, July 24, 1882. Dear Sir, "In reply to your letter of the 21st inst., I beg to inform you that it is no trouble whatever to rae to furnish you with the follow- ing particulars of the age of my grandfather (George Badcock), at his death, also his age at the time he buried Dolly Pentreath, and likewise my age. My grandfather died in July 1832, at the age of 84 years, so that will make it 50 years since my grandfather's death. Now from the time of his birth up to the present will make 134 years, and Dolly Pentreath who died in 1777 will make 105 years. This will give my grandfather's age at the time he buried Dolly Pentreath to have been 29 years. My grandfather was married at that time, and his wife had one child, a girl, who loas born in 1777, the year that Dolly died. My age. — I was born in this village, Mousehole, in the year 1817 on the 21st of August, so I shall be 65 on August 21st, which will be next month." I am, yours &c, Bernard Victor, Dr, F, W. p. Jago, 21, Lockyer Street, Plymouth. CONCLUDING EEMAEKS ABOUT DOLLY PENTREATH. The foregoing letters contain full particulars, but to the casual visitor to Paul churchyard the following directions may be of use.