Page:The ancient language, and the dialect of Cornwall.djvu/363

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343 rials for a glossary of Cornish names, and newspaper cuttings on Cornish names." The above vahiable MSS. were bought for the Br. Museum. £15 was the sum paid for them ! ! BELLOWS, John. — On the Cornish Language," in the Keport of the Eoyal Cornwall Polytechnic Society for 1861, p. 28. BLIGHT, Egbert. — Among many others of his writings is an article in the West Briton^ 1867, on "Old cus- toms and provincial words in Cornwall." BOASE, George Clement. — A bibliographical list of the works published or in MS., illustrative of the various dialects of English — Edited by the Eev. Walter W. Skeat, M.A., Lond. English Dialect Society 1873, 8vo, pp. viii and 48. The Bibliotheca Cornubiensis has this note — " The above work was in reality brought out in February 1875. It contains on pp. 19-28 a list of works relating to the English Dialect of Cornwall, originally made out by the Eev. W. W. Skeat, but re-written with additions and biographical notices by G. C. Boase and W. P. Courtney. BONAPAETE, Prince Louis Lucien.— The Song of Solomon in the living Cornish Dialect, from the autho- rised English version, privately printed by Geo. Bar- clay, 28, Castle Street, Leicester Square, London, 1859, 16mo. The Prince had this "Song" translated into other dialects, Lancashire, &c. The translation into the Cornish dialect was very cleverly done by the late Mr. Edwin Netherton, of Truro, at the request of