Page:The aquarium - an unveiling of the wonders of the deep sea.djvu/335

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  1. Lucernaria, Bell, 219
  2. Lucky-stone, a Childish Superstition, 16
  3. Medusæ:—
  4. Sarsia, 86
  5. Aurelia, 84
  6. Bougainvillæa, 86
  7. Cydippe, 86, 156
  8. Memory, 16, 151
  9. Mixon, 97
  10. Mullet, 109
  11. Natural History, Scriptural use of, 204
  12. Nature, renewal of, 17
  13. Nature,— — — emotions produced by, 79
  14. Nothe, 96
  15. Nothe,— — — Ledges of, 200, 217
  16. Peacock's Tail, 135
  17. Pearl-shells, 90
  18. Phyllodoce, 247
  19. Pipe-fishes, 116, 120
  20. Pogge, 198
  21. Portland, Breakwater, 2
  22. Portland,— — — Visits to, 41, 85, 127
  23. Prawns, 171
  24. Ray, Thornback, 186
  25. Ray,— — — Painted, 186
  26. Ray,— — — Bordered, 187
  27. Ray,— — — Angel, 187
  28. Runcina Hancocki, 193
  29. Sagitta, 86
  30. Sea-grass, 15, 18, 219
  31. Sea-mouse, 159
  32. Sea-urchin, 169
  33. Sea-weeds, Collecting, 21, 27
  34. Sea-weeds,— — — at Portland, 86, 133
  35. Sea-weeds,— — — in Belmont Bay, 92
  36. Sea-weeds,— — — on the Mixon, 97
  37. Sea-weeds,— — — in a Tank, 102
  38. Sea-weeds,— — — Gardens of, 136
  39. Sea-weeds,— — — at Bat's Corner, 155
  40. Sea-weeds,— — — on the Nothe ledges, 201
  41. Sepiola, 65
  42. Serpulæ, 178
  43. Shrimps, 187
  44. Smallmouth Sands, 185
  45. Snails at Portland, 43
  46. Soldier-Crab, 64, 139, 147, 163
  47. Star-fish, common, 240
  48. Stone-cutter, Story of, 128
  49. Sucker, Two-spotted, 116, 120
  50. Sucker,— — — Echeneis, 118
  51. Suicide of Animals, 239
  52. Summer, advent of, 74
  53. Sun-star, 63
  54. Syrinx, 226
  55. Tangle, 24
  56. Tansy, 42, 133
  57. Terebella, 230
  58. Thread-Capsules, 148
  59. Tides, peculiarity in, 20
  60. Top-shells, 33, 41
  61. —— tongue of, 34
  62. —— Pearly, 90
  63. Two-lined Worm, 164
  64. Types of Heavenly things, 124
  66. Portland, 19, 40, 77
  67. Weymouth Bay, 1, 221
  68. Vision, double, 119
  69. Ward, suggestions of, 6
  70. Warington, experiments of, 8
  71. Weever, 120, 186
  72. Weymouth, Bay of, 1
  73. Weymouth,— — — Last look at, 221
  74. Whitenose, 61
  75. Winkle, Yellow, 29
  76. Winkle,— — — Periwink, 30
  77. Winkle,— — — Use of, 31
  78. Winkle,— — — tongue of, 32
  79. Worms, marine, 164, 197, 230, 233, 247
  80. Wrasse, Ancient, 111
  81. Wrasse,— — — Corkwing, 113
  82. Wrasse,— — — Green, 114
  83. Wyke, 79, 128
  84. Zoological Gardens, Aquarium at, 13
  85. Zostera, 15, 18, 219