Page:The art of dress - a poem (IA artofdresspoem00gayj).pdf/23

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( 11 )

Queen [1]Kate of Austrian Blood, Demure and Wise,
Swell'd the stiff-Circle, to a larger Size,
And wore it as was then the Spanish Mode,
For Female Shoulders thought too great a Load.
Some Winters pass'd, and then Eliza sway'd,
Sworn Enemy to Rome, a wondrous Maid!
She turn'd out Popish Modes, but kept in That,
And introduc'd, besides, the Steeple Hat;
Fenc'd the huge Petticoat with Ribs of Whale,
And arm'd our Mothers in the circling Mail.
Such have I seen in [2]Cecil's Antient Hall,
His Kindred Beauties rang'd along the Wall;

  1. Infanta of Spain, Wife, first to Prince Arthur; and then to his Brother, Henry VIII.
  2. Hatfield.
