Page:The authentic and genuine history of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, New Zealand, February 5 and 6, 1840.pdf/39

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By His Excellency William Hobson, Esquire, Lieutenant-Governor of the British Settlements in progress in New Zealand, &c., &c., &c.

Whereas Her Majesty Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, has been graciously pleased to direct that measures shall be taken for the esta- blishment of a settled form of civil government over those of Her Majesty’s subjects who are already settled in New Zealand, or who may hereafter resort hither: And whereas Her Majesty has also been graciously pleased to direct Letters Patent to be issued under the Great Seal of the said United Kingdom, bearing date the fifteenth day of June, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, by which the former boundaries of the Colony of New South Wales are so extended as to comprehend any part of New Zealand that is or may be acquired in sovereignty by Her Majesty, her heirs or successors: And whereas Her Majesty has been further pleased, by a Commission under her Royal Signet and Sign- Manual, bearing date the thirtieth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, to appoint me, William Hob- son, Esquire, Captain in Her Majesty's Navy, to be Lieutenant- Governor in and over any territory whichis or may be acquired in soyereigniy by Her Majesty, her heirs or successors, within that group of islands in the Pacific Ocean commonly called New Zealand, and lying between the latitude thirty- four degrees thirty minutes and forty-seven degrees ten minutes south, and one hundred and sixty-six degrees five minutes and one hundred and seyenty-nine degrees east longitude from the meridian of Greenwich: Now, therefore, I, the said William Hobson, do hereby declare and proclaim that I did, on the fourteenth day of January instant, before His Excellency Sir George Gipps, Knight, Captain-General and Goyernor-in- Chief in and over the Territory of New South Wales and its Dependencies, and the Hxeeutive Council thereof, take the accustomed oaths of office as Lieutenant-Govyernor as afore-