Page:The autobiography of a Pennsylvanian.djvu/485

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Washington, D. C.,
November 22, 1907.

My dear Governor:

I thank you for the poem on Greater Pittsburgh. When the truth of history is known, you will be honored as the real father of the Greater Pittsburgh, for if it had not been for your own great wisdom, backed by your personal courage, there would have been no extra session of the legislature, and if it had not been for your state pride in desiring to see a greater city at the western end of the state, the legislation under which the Greater Pittsburgh has now come into existence would not have been included in the program.

I felicitate you upon the result.
Very sincerely yours,
P. C. Knox.

Hon. Samuel W. Pennypacker,
Schwenksville, Pa.

Philadelphia, March 8, 1907.

My dear Governor:

Accept my thanks for your review of your administration. It will stand the test of time and when the newspapers get over their wounded vanity at being told they are not always the incarnation of wisdom and greatness, they will acknowledge it.

Yours sincerely,
James T. Mitchell.

Columbia, Pa., Nov. 28, 1907.

Dear Governor Pennypacker:

I see that I shall have to make this a very personal and familiar letter, and beg you to pardon it.

It was with a sense of genuine pleasure that I read your kindest of letters of Nov. 26, informing me that The Historical Society of Pennsylvania would invite me to be their guest at a reception to be given me at some time in the near future which might suit my convenience; and telling me also that, the idea having originated with you, you yourself would arrange for my comfort, would make my reception a success, and would, so to say, brush away the possible thorns in the path, and metaphorically strew it with laurel and roses. … Now, my dear Governor, nothing in the world could be kinder, more generous or more delicately enticing; but one consideration has been overlooked, a vital one, and that is the state of my health.