Page:The birds of America, volume 7.djvu/183

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than the decidedly cuneiform tail, of which the central feathers are an inch longer than the lateral. Tarsi rather stout; the thumb very distinct, armed with a nail as large as that of the outer toe.

"The other specimen killed by Mr. Sherer a few days later, differs only in the first primary coverts having the same dark colour with the outer web of the first primary itself.

"Length to end of tail 14 inches; tail 5^; wing 10^; bill along the ridge |-; rictus H; from nostril to tip of bill ff; tarsus l T Vj middle toe yf, its nail #»

Larcs Rossii, Cuneate-tailed Gull, Swains, and Rich. F. Bor. Araer., vol. ii. p. 427. Ross' Gull, Larus fiossii, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. v. p. 324.

Adult, 14; wing 10|.

Arctic Seas.


-4- Larus Bonapartii, Richardson.

PLATE CCCCXLIL— Male, Female, and Young.

My first acquaintance with this species took place whilst I was at Cin- cinnati, in the beginning of August 1S19. I was crossing the Ohio, along with Mr. Robert Best, then curator of the Cincinnati Museum, for the purpose of visiting the Cliff Swallows which had taken up their abode on the walls of the garrison on the Kentucky side, when we observed two Gulls sweeping gracefully over the tranquil waters. Now they would alight side by side, as if intent on holding a close conversation; then they would rise on wing and range about, looking downwards with sidelong glances, searching for small fishes, or perhaps eyeing the bits of garbage that floated on the surface. We watched them for nearly half an hour, and having learned something of their manners, shot one, which happened to be a female. On her dropping, her mate almost immediately alighted beside her, and was shot. There, side by side, as in life, so in death, floated the lovely birds. One, having a dark bluish nearly black head, was found to be the male; the