Page:The birds of America, volume 7.djvu/28

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Pelecaninas in having no pyloric lobe. The duode- num also, d ef, does not at first pass forward, but di- rectly curves round the sto- mach, returning at the dis- tance of 2 inches, and the intestine, d efg h i, is con- voluted with 9 folds. It is 36 inches long, 5 twelfths wide in the duodenal por- tion, contracts to 3 twelfths; the coeca are two small knobs 2 twelfths long, 1^ twelfths in breadth; the rectum 3 inches long, for 1 inch 8 twelfths its width is 3^ twelfths, the remaining part forming a globular cloaca 1^ inches in diame- ter.

The trachea is S^ inches long, its width at the com- mencement A twelfths, presently after 4 twelfths, contracting to 3|- twelfths. It is a little flattened: the rings 112, cartilaginous. The inferior larynx is great- ly expanded antero-poste- riorly, and the first dimi- diate ring is 5 twelfths in extent, with a somewhat smaller ring beyond it. The lateral muscles are very slender; the sterno-tracheal, which passes off at the dis tance of inch from the bifurcation, is strong; there is a slender slip on each