Page:The black man.djvu/201

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It bade my weary, troubled soul
Her sad complainings cease.

For bitter thougbts had filled my breast,
And sad, and sick at heart,
I longed to lay me down and rest,
From all the world apart.
"Outcast, oppressed on earth," I cried,
"Father, take me home;
O, take me to that peaceful land
Beyond the moon-lit dome.

"On such a night as this," methought,
"Angelic forms are near;
In beauty unrevealed to us
They hover in the air.
O mother, loved and lost," I cried,
"Methinks thou'rt near me now;
Methinks I feel thy cooling touch
Upon my burning brow.

"O, guide and soothe thy sorrowing child;
And if 'tis not His will
That thou shouldst take me home with thee,
Protect and bless me still;
For dark and drear had been my life
Without thy tender smile,
Without a mother's loving care,
Each sorrow to beguile."

I ceased then o'er my senses stole
A soothing, dreamy spell,
And gently to my ear were borne

The tones I loved so well;