Page:The book of wonder voyages (1919).djvu/235

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Journeyings of Thorkill and Eric

seven days, then take with you food for your journey, and return to the North."

In the morning, when Eric awoke, he thanked God, and did all the angel had told him. We do not know anything about his return North, until four years afterwards, when he reached Micklegarth, and gave an account of his journey to the Greek Emperor.

"God has protected you wonderfully," said the Emperor, "and shown you His secret things—a sight you cannot repay."

Eric stayed two years with the Emperor, and in the seventh of his homeward travel he came to Throndheim, where he dwelt ten years. And at the dawn of day, when the ten years had come to an end, as Eric was kneeling down to pray, God took him, and he was seen no more on earth.

So ends the Saga of Eric the Far-Traveled.