Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/105

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them to moche, by the half; & of the valewe of one of her gownes, .l. poure peple had had .l. ellys of burell or fryse, whiche haue suffred suche cold & such mesease about hem, and yet she neuer took pyte on them." Thenne took the deuyl her gownes, rynges, & jewelles y she had had of the men by loue, also alle the vayne and euylle wordes that she hadde sayd of other by enuye and taken awey their good renommee, for ouermoche she was enuyous and of euyll talkyng, and no synne that she had done he lefte behynde, but al this togeder he dyde put in the balaunce. And weyed they were to her good dedes, but moche more they weyed than dyde all the good that she euer hadde done. And thus took her the deuylle, whiche dyde her to endowe her gownes that were thenne brennyng as fire and had her within in to helle. And the power sowle cryed & sorowed pyteously. Thenne awaked the hooly heremyte, and tolde part of this aduysion to the knyght his neuewe, and comaunded hym and charged that all her gownes shold be gyuen for goddes sake to poure folke.