Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/111

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lese their peyne and tyme comyng thyder, also that they sholde not be lost for euer, therfore she shewed the said myracle on them, wherfor they that were in the weye of perdicion were brought to the weye of saluacion. Here is a fair spectacle to euery woman to see in and conceyue the tyme comynge and the tyme also gone and passed, as in the tyme of Noe, when thorugh the synne of pryde god sent the deluge of waters, wherof all the world was drowned, for by that synne of pryde came amonge men and wymmen the fowle and vyle synne of lecherye, and therof cam the grete perylle, and of all the world scaped no more but eyght persones.