Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/131

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euylle, and yet gretter perylle is to gyue them by ony yre or wrathe to the deuyll. And therfor haue ye this ensample in your memorye, and see how ye ought to wysshe euer alle good for your children, & pray god for them, as dyd Iacob and his wyf for theyr children, whiche god enhaunced ouer all the lygnees and generacions. And doo not lyke as dyd the man and his wyf, the whiche thurgh theyr yre cursed theyr child, and after gaf hym to the deuyll, wherfor the child was in perylle alle his lyf durynge.