Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/201

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THE thyrd Enseygnement is, that ye preue and essaye your wyf to wete and knowe yf she shalle kepe secretely your counceylle, whiche parauenture myght be cause of your dethe. For there ben somme whiche ben moche wyse, and that can wel kepe secretely what that someuer men sayen to them, and the whiche also gyue good counceylle and aduysement. And somme ben that can neuer kepe theyr tongue, but telle alle that is sayd to them, as well ageynste them as for them." And thus the wyse Cathon gaf this thre enseygnementes to his sone, as he laye seke at the poynt of his dethe. This trewe and wyse man Cathon deyde, and his sone abode on lyue, whiche was hold sage and wyse, in so moche that themperour of Rome toke hym his sone for to endoctryne ani teche hym. And afterward he maade some lordes to speke to hym for to withold hym to gouerne and sette in good rewle the grete fayttes and materes of Rome, and promysed hym to baue therby grete auaylles and prouffytees, wherfor and by the couetyse of these prouffytees he consented to take thoffyce, and toke on hym the charge of it, and forgate thenseygnement and techynge of his fader. And after, whan he was stablysshed and receyued in his offyce, he rode on a daye thorugh the hyghe strete with grete companye of folke whiche folowed hym. He sawe a theef whiche men conueyed to the galhows for to be hanged, whiche was moche yonge. Thenne sayd one to Cathon, whiche stood by hym, "Syre, by cause of the nouellyte of your offyce, ye may wel respyte and kepe this man fro dethe." And he withoute enquest by hym made of the caas why he was juged to receyue dethe, made hym to be vnbound, and by cause of the nouellyte of his offyce he kepte the theef fro dethe. He was to hasty, for at that tyme he thougt not on the commaundement that his fader had made vnto hym.