Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/204

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And whanne themperesse herd her so speke, she with a hyghe voys beganne to crye, and made suche a sorowe that it was pyte to see, in soo moche that the tydynges came to themperour, how the Emperesse made so grete sorowe. Themperour was sore abasshed, and came there as themperesse was, and demaunded of her why she maade suche sorowe. And she with hyghe pleynt ansuerd and reherced to hym al that the damoysell had told her of theyr sone. And whan themperour wyst that they had eten the herte of theyr child, he bicame ryght angre and sorowfull, and commaunded that Cathonet shold forthwith be take and hanged in the myddes of Rome, there as the folke myght loke on hym as vpon a fals murderer and traytour. His Sergeaunts wente and toke hym anone, and told hym the commaundement of them. perour, and that it was for his sone whiche he had slayne. Cathonet thenne sayd to them, "It is no nede that al that men sayn be trouthe. Ye shalle put me in pryson, and shalle saye that it is to late to make ony execucion of lustyse, and that to morowe I shalle be hanged before the peple." The Sergeaunts loued hym moche, and soo dyd alle manere of folke. They dyd as he badde them to doo, and thenne wente and sayd to the Emperoure and themperesse that hit were for the beste to make Iustyse of hym on the morowe nexte comynge, and that hit was to late, and how more people shold thenne be gadered and assembled for to see hym. And the Emperour, whiche made grete sorowe for his sone, graunted hit. And not withstondynge this, in the meane whyle that Cathonet was conueyed to pryson, he callyd to hym a Squyer of his, and seyd to hym, "Goo to suche a knyght, that kepeth themperour's sone, and telle hym how the Emperour weneth that I have put hym to dethe, and that he faylle not to be here to morowe with hym before the houre of pryme, or els I shalle be in grete perylle to receyue a shameful dethe." This Squyer departed, and soo faste rode and waloped that that nyght he came, aboute one of the cloke after mydnyght, there as Cathonet hadde take to kepe