Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/211

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theles ther ben some that can wel kepe secretely what men saye to them, and in the whiche men fynd good counceylle and comforte, and other also whiche that can no thynge kepe in secrete. And thenne as I me bethought how I had broken and done ageynst the ii enseygnementes of my fader, I thought and sayd in my self that I shold preue and essaye the thyrd. Wher fore that other daye as I was a bedde wyth my wyf, I awaked her, and for to essaye her wylle, I sayd to her that I had slayne the sone of themperour, and that his herte confyted in spyeces I had made themperour and his wyf to ete hit, and that for the loue of whiche she loued me she shold kepe this in secrete soo that none myght neuer knowe no thynge of hit. Now have I proued and essayed how she hath kepte secretely my counceylle, as euery one maye now see and knowe. But I gyue me not to grete merueylle therof, for hit is not of newe how that a woman can not kepe secretely that whiche men sayen to her in counceylle.