Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/50

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courage as is the oldest." And they answerd to hym, "Syre, tholdest is more fayre." And he answerd to them, "None honoure, ne beaulte, ne none erthely good, may compare to bounte ne to good maners, and in especial to humylyte. And by cause I haue sene her the more humble and the more curtoys, I wylle haue her, and thus chaas her." And thenne the bisshop and the barōs cam to the kyng of Aragon, and demaunded of hym the yonger doughter. Thenne the kyng and alle his peple were moche esmerueyled that they took not the oldest, which was moost fayre. But thus it happed that the yonger was quene of spayne, by cause she was humble and softe of speche to greete and smale by her grete curtosye, wherof the oldest doughter had so greete desdayn and so grete despit y she byca al frätyke & fro her self. & therfore this is a fayre ensample, how by curtosye and humylyte is goten the loue of god and of the world. For there is no thyng so playsaunt as Humblesse, curtosye, and to salewe fayre the peple, grete and smale, and to make no chere of losse ne of wynnyng. For no gentyl wymmen ought to make none effrayes in them, but ought to haue gentyl hertes and softe answers, and to be humble. For as god sayth in the gospel, he that is moost worthe and mooste knoweth, moost humbleth hym, lyke as dyde the yonger doughter of Aaragon, whiche for hir humylyte and curtosye conquerd to be quene of spayne and took it fro hir older suster.