Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/96

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hadde repreued them so sore that they had so grete shame that they ne durst lyfte vp their hedes, and helde them mocked and diffamed of their vyce. And after, many of them caste awey their braunches and hornes, and held them lowe and went symply. For he saide that suche coyntyses, & such countrefaytyng, and suche wantonnesse, were to compare to the Copspyn, that maketh his nette to take the flyes. Ryght soo doth the deuylle by his temptacion the desguysyng in men and wymmen, to the ende they may be enamoured one of other, and for to take and brynge them to the delyte of lechery. He taketh them and byndeth them as the copspyn doth the flees in her nette, as a holy heremyte telleth in the booke of the faders of lyf, to whome was shewed by tonge, as ye may fynde playnly in the said book. And yet he saith that that the coulpe of the synne was in them that first tooke & brought vp suche desguysynge, and that euery good womman and wyse ought wel to drede the takynge and werynge of sucheraymentes vnto the tyme she seeth that euery one comynly took and went in hem. For after the word of god, the first shall be the most blamed, and the last shal syt on the hyhe syege. The bisshop, that a good man was, sayd an Ensample vpon the fait of them that hasted them to be the fyrst in takynge and bryngynge vp suche noueltees, and said thus: