Page:The boy travellers in the Far East.djvu/15

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ILLUSTRATIONS. A Jiipanese vSwimming-scene. Keproduced from PACE [ Mr. Bassett has Decided 17 Mary 18 Mai-y Thinking what she would Like from Japan ]!) Overland by Stage in tlie ( ilden Time 20 Overland by Rail in a Pnllman Car 21 Cooking-range in the ( )lden Time 24 Cooking range on a Pullman Car 24: Change foi' a Dollar — Before and After 25 Kathleen's Expectations for Frank and Fred. 2(i Effie Waiting for Somebody 28 Good-bye 29 Watering-place on the Erie I-{ailway 30 The Course of Empire ol Valley of the Neversink 32 Starncca Viaduct 33 Niagara Falls, f)-om the American Side 34 Entrance to the Cave of the Winds 3(i From Chicago to San Francisco 38 Omaha 39 Attacked by Indians 41 Herd of Buffaloes Moving 42 An Old Settler 43 "End of Track" 44 Snow-sheds on the Pacific Kailway 4') View at Cape Horn, Central Pacific Railway 46 Seal-rocks, San Francisco 47 Departure from San Francisco 48 Dropping the Pilot 40 The Golden Gate -"lO In the Fire-room 51 The Engineer at his Post 53 The Wind Rising 55 Spouts 57 Whale-ship Outward Bound 57 Captain Spoff'ord Telling his Story 58 New Bedford 50 a Painting by a Japanese Arlist. . , . Frontispiece. PAC.E Sperm-whale Oil "There she blows I' 01 Implements Used in Whaling 02 Whale " Breaching" 03 In the Whale's Jaw 04 Captain Hunting's Fight 06 A Game Fellow 67 A Free Ride 08 Captain Sammis Selling Out 70 Siiooting at a Water-spout 71 Frank Studying Navigation 73 Working up a Reckoning 75 View in the Bay of Yeddo 70 -Taiwanese .Junk and Boats 77 A Japanese Imperial Barge 73 Japanese Government Boat 79 Yokohama in 1854 81 A Japanese Street Scene 84 Japanese Musicians 80 Japanese Fishermen 87 " Sayonara" 88 Ja])anese Silk-sliop 89 Seven-stroke Horse 90 Female Head-dress 91 The Siesta 91 A Japanese at his Toilet for a Visit of Cere- mony 92 A Japanese Breakfast 95 Mutsuhito, Mikado of Japan 97 Landing of Perry's Expedition 98 The Last Shogoon of Japan 99 Third-class Passengers 1 02 Japanese Ploughing 1 03 Japanese Roller 104 Manuring Process 104 How they Use Manure 1 05 Mode of Protecting Land from Birds 106