Page:The boy travellers in the Far East.djvu/17

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PAGE The Samisen 231 Playing the Samisen 23"i Scene from a Japanese Comedy. — Writing a Letter of Divorce 23G Scene from a Jajianese C!omedy. — Love-let- ter Discovered 237 Telling the Story of Bnmbnkii Chagama. . . 238 Frank's Fm-cliase 240 Japanese Pattern-designer 241 Fan-makers at A^ork 241 Chinese Cloisonne on Metal 242 -Japanese Cloisonne on JMetal 243 Japanese Bowl 243 Cover of Japanese Bowl 244 Chinese Metal Vase 24f, Modern Japanese Cloisonne on Metal 247 Japanese Metal Cloisonne' 24S Chinese Porcelain Cloisonne' 248 Group Carved in Ivory 24'J Japanese Pipe, Case, and I'onch 249 Japanese Artist Chasing on Copper 251 A Japanese Village. — Bamboo Poles Ready for Market 2.'-)2 A Japanese Lady's-maid 2.54 Bride and Bridesmaid 255 Merchant's Family 255 Mysteiios of the Dressing-room . . 256 Lady in Winter Walking-dress 257 A Girl who had never Seen a Dressing- pin • 250 Ladies' Hair-dresser 26(1 Ladies at their Toilet 261 Japanese Ladies on a Picnic 262 Ladies and Children at Play 203 Flying Kites 2C4 A Village in the Tea District 266 Tea-merchants in the Interior 267 The Tea-plant 268 Firing Tea 269 Hiogo (Kobe) 270 The Junk at Anchor 271 The Helmsman at his Post 272 Japanese Sailors at Dinner 273 Junk Sailors on Duty 274 View from the Hotel 27G The Castle of Osaka 277 Vignette from the National Bank-notes. . . . 280 Imperial Crest for Palace Affiiirs 281 PAGE Imperial Crest on the New Coins 281 Old Kinsat, or Money-card 282 Ichi-boo 282 Vignette from Bank-note 283 Vignette from Bank-note 283 Men Towing Boats near (Jsaka 284 Mode of Holding the Tow-ropes 284 The Ferry-boat 285 The Hotel-maid 285 A Japanese Landscape 286 Dikes along the River 287 Night Scene near Fushinii 288 Women of Kioto 289 Ladies of the Western Cajiital 292 Restaurant and Tea-garden at Kioto 294 An Artist at Work 295 Lantern-maker at Kioto 295 A Japanese Archer 297 Temple Bell at Kioto 298 Reeling Cotton 298 Japanese Temple and Cemetery 299 Handcart for a Quartette 300 Horse Carrying Liquid Manure 301 The Paternal Nurse 301 Picnic Booth Overlooking Lake Biwa 302 A Maker of Bows 302 The Inland Sea near Hiogo 303 Approaching Simoneseki 304 Dangerous Place on the Suwo Nada 304 Pappenberg Island 305 Women of Nagasaki 306 A Christian Village in the Sixteenth Cen- tury 307 Monuments in Memory of Martyrs 308 A Path near Nagasaki 309 Hollander at Deshima Watching for a Ship 310 The Rain Dragon 311 The Wind Dragon 312 The Thunder Dragon 312 A Tyjihoon 314 Course of a Typhoon 316 Caught near the Storm's Centre 317 The Woosung Rier 318 Chinese Tradhtg-junk on the Woosnng River 319 Shanghai 321 A Coolie in the Streets of Shanghai 322 A Tea-house in the Country 324 Smoking Opium 324