Page:The boy travellers in the Far East.djvu/482

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Iiifcreslhir/ Books for Boi/s. THE JjOYIIOOI) OF (lUEAT MEN. By John G. Edgar. Illustnited. lOmo, Cloth, §1 00. THE FOOTPRINTS (_)F FAMOUS MEN. By John G. Edgar. Illustrated. IGmo, Cloth, $1 00. HISTORY FOR BOYS; or. Annals of the Nations of Modern Europe. Bv Jonx G. Edgar. Illustrated. lOino, Cloth, $1 00. SEA-KINGS AND NAVAL HEROES. A Book for Boys. By John G. Edgar. Illustrated by C. Keene and E. C. Johnson. 16mo, Cloth, SI 00. THE WARS OF THE ROSES, By John G. Edgar. Illustrated. 16mo, Cloth, $1 00. STORIES OF TtlE ISLAND YORLD. By Charles Nordhoff. Blustrated. 12mo, Cloth, $1 00. POLITICS FOR YOUNG AMERICANS. By Charles Nordhoff. 12mo, Half Leather, 88 cents. STORIES OF THE GORILLA COUNTRY. By Paul B. Du Chaillu. Illus- trated. 12mo, Cloth, $1 50. THE COUNTRY OF THE DWARFS. By Paul B. Du Chaillu. Illustrated. 12ino, Cloth, $1 50. WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQUATOl!. By I'aul B. Du Chaillu. Illustrated. l-2mo. Cloth, $1 50. MY APINGI KINGDOM : with Life in the Great Saliara, and Sketches of the Chase of the Ostrich, Hyena, &c. By Paul B. I>n Chaillu. Illustrated. 12nio, Cloth, .§1 50. LOST IN THE JUNGLE. By Paul B. Du Chaillu. Illustrated. 12mo, Cloth, $1 50. OUR CHILDREN'S SONG-S. Illustrated. 8vo, Ornamental Cover, $1 00. THE TtlOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS ; or, The Arabian Nights' Entertain- ments. Translated and Arrano-ed for Family Reading, with Explanatory Notes, by E. V. Lane. 600 Illustrations by Harvey. 2 vols., 12mo, Cloth, $3 50. THE HISTORY OF SANDFORD AND MERTON. By Thomas Day. ]8mo. Half Bound, 15 cents. THE HISTORY OF A MOUTHFUL OF BREAD, and its Eiiect on the Organ- ization of Men and Animals. By Jean Mage. Translated from the Eighth French Edition by Mrs. Alfred (tatty. 12mo, Cloth, $1 75. THE SERVANTS OF THE STOMACH. By Jean Mace. Reprinted from the London Edition, Revised and Corrected. 12mo, Cloth, $1 75. YOUTH'S HEALTH -i;OOK. 32mo, Paper, 25 cents. Published by HARPEE c'^- BROTHERS. I^yav York. ||rjgF° A-iiij of Ihr above leorls sent hi/ iiki'iI, /«isIiii/c jinjjniJ, to 'in;/ jiuii of tlie United States, on reeeijit of the priee.