Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 1.djvu/145

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HAILES CASTLE 125 FIRST PERIOD 98.) The walls of enceinte are 8 feet 6 inches thick, and have been strengthened with towers at intervals. The lower portion of the walls FIG. 99. Hailes Castle. View in Court from Entrance. seems to be original all round, but the upper portions have been greatly altered at a later date, the hall seen in the view from the courtyard (Fig. 99) being probably of the sixteenth century. Some of the details shown on the sketches (Figs. 99A, 99s) are evidently parts of the earlier work, and the north postern, adjoining the square donjon, is certainly very ancient. FIG. 99A. One ancient portion of the building which is specially worthy ol note is a postern stair at B on plan, strongly vaulted and ribbed, which leads down to the river. About half-way down there is a landing (section, Fig. 99u) which has been protected by a drawbridge, the outer edge of which rested on a tall built pier, having a deep pit between the pier and the stair-landing. The remainder of the stair was probably of wood, and moveable. Hailes