Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 1.djvu/182

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SECOND PERIOD 162 TH REAVE CASTLE ment must have been dark, having only two small windows in a wall about 8 feet thick. It contains the well, filled up and concealed with

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FIG. 128. Threave Castle. East Front and Entrance Gateway. rubbish, although within living memory it was clear to the bottom ; but unfortunately large portions of the vaulting have fallen and heaped the place with ruins. Near the well is a drain from a sink, and the three recesses in the east wall were probably for buckets containing a supply of water to stand in. In the north-west corner of the vault a dungeon with an arched roof has been walled off, and is entered from a hatchway at the floor level of the entresol. The kitchen seems to have been in the entresol, having a fireplace in the south wall, and a sink with a drain in one of the windows.