Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 1.djvu/215

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CRAIGMILLAR CASTLE 195 SECOND PERIOD window in the west wall, such as is often introduced in these upper lofts, apparently more for air than light (see plan of second floor). The hall has a fine fireplace (Fig. 160), with simple details; the windows at the upper end are large, and furnished with stone seats and lockers in the wall. FIG. 160. Craigmillar Castle. Fireplace in Hall. In the south projection or wing, as already mentioned, there is a guard-room half-way up to the hall ; there is a small room over this on the level of the hall, and a very agreeable room above it on about the REBUS WEST WALL. N24W. END FROM NORTH CURTAIN FIGS. 161 and 162. Craigmillar Castle. Details from Curtains. same level as the upper floor of the hall (see Fig. 1 54). A similar room is also obtained on the level of the roof by carrying up the walls of the