Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 1.djvu/306

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THIRD PERIOD 286 DRUMMOND CASTLE Above this there were originally one or two stories, but the upper part of the keep is now modernised. FIG. 239. Drummond Castle. View from the West. The family acquired the title of Earl of Perth in 1605, and the wing which adjoins the old keep on the south was built soon after. The dormers (Fig. 238) contain the Drummond arms with the Earl's initials, and the dates 1630 and 1636. FIG. 240. Drummond Castle. Inner Courtyard. On the ground floor of this wing is the arched gateway to the castle (still provided with its double iron gate) and a porter's room. The upper floors gave extended accommodation connected with the keep, but have now been modernised and converted into an armoury, containing many curious Highland relics. An extensive range of buildings was also erected on the north side of the keep (shown by dotted lines on Plan), probably at the same period,