Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 1.djvu/327

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BADENHEATH 307 THIRD PERIOD BADENHEATH, DUMBARTONSHIRE. Badenheath is situated not far from Moulinburn, in a detached part of Dumbartonshire, about nine miles east from Glasgow. It is now a mere fragment, being the southern half of an oblong keep (Fig. 262), FIG. 262. Badenheatli. Plans and View. probably of the end of the fifteenth century. It has been built of fine regularly coursed masonry, which has proved too strong a temptation to the needy builders of later times. This is much to be regretted, as from the style of work remaining, Badenheath has apparently been a fine example of a peel tower. The entrance doorway (with its bar-hole), fortunately preserved, is, as will be seen from the sketch (Fig. 263), of a remarkable and unusual design. The hall mantelpiece, which is also