Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 1.djvu/370

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THIRD PERIOD 350 BORTHWICK CASTLE stair, communicating with the tier of rooms over the kitchen in the north wing (except one, to be afterwards mentioned), and to the roof. Another stair in the angle of the south wing and hall led to the upper floors over the south wing, and also to the roof. FIG. 301. Borthwick Castle. Interior of Hall. There are three stories over the hall, the upper story only being vaulted in order to carry the stone roof, the other floors being of wood. The floor over the hall was occupied with the drawing-room and the chapel. The former is well lighted and has a good fireplace, and com- municates directly with a handsome room in the north wing (section C B,