Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 1.djvu/395

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ROSSLYN CASTLE 375 THIRD PERIOD (Fig. 324), and on the plaster ceiling, a view of which is given (Fig. 325), are his initials with the above date. Part of the space beneath the courtyard is supposed to contain vaulted chambers. The construction of the bridge leading to the castle FIG. 324. Rosslyn Castle. East Side of Courtyard. is peculiar, the ring next the river being some 12 or 15 feet lower than the portion bearing the roadway (Fig. 318). The various portions of the castle correspond in style with the periods at which they are said to have been built. We have first the fifteenth- century buildings, consisting of the keep, and the enclosing walls defended by a drawbridge and gatehouse.