Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 1.djvu/421

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THE DEAN CASTLE 401 THIRD PERIOD connect the east and west portions of the building, and form of both a good mansion-house. When the separate buildings were thus united into one house, various minor changes were effected. The old entrance to the east tower was built up, and the first flight of the turret stair was altered as shown on the plan of the ground floor. A new entrance doorway (Fig. 346) was at the same time slapped through the south front at X on plan. Most of the panelling and plaster- work of that period still remain. The first Lord Ruthven was created in 1488. The second tower may pro- bably have been erected by him. Patrick, the third Lord Ruthven (1520-66), was a chief actor in the murder of Rizzio, and his son William was created Earl of Gowrie in 1581. The union of the two towers by building up the space between them was probably done about that time. In 1582 the famous " Raid of Ruthven," as above mentioned, was carried out here, when the Earl of Gowrie kidnapped the boy-King James vi., for which offence he was beheaded in 1584. PIG. 347. Ruthven Castle. Corbels at Parapet. THE DEAN CASTLE, KILMARNOCK. We have here another example of the extension of a castle by the erection of buildings within the wall of enceinte, but detached from the keep. The latter (Fig. 348) is of the ordinary quadrilateral form, and has all the characteristics of the early part of the fifteenth century, but there is no record of the date of its erection. The extensive additions seem to have been built after the middle of the same century, when the Boyd family, to whom the castle then belonged, had attained their great power and influence. Lord Boyd was raised to the peerage by James n., and his brother, Sir Alexander Boyd, was appointed instructor in chivalry to the young James HI. In 1466 the Boyds got possession of the King's person, and Lord Boyd obtained the highest appointments in the State, while his eldest son was created Earl of Arran, and received in marriage the Princess Mary, sister to the King. But their honours and power were of short duration. In 1469 the Boyds were tried and found guilty of treason. Sir Alexander was beheaded, and the Earl of Arran fled to Denmark. The Princess Mary (the sister of King James in.) is said to have been confined in Dean Castle during the lifetime of the Earl of Arran. 2 c