Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 1.djvu/433

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HAINING CASTLE 413 THIRD PERIOD Fig. 355 shows the appearance of the castle from the south-east. The mode in which the additions have been made at Falside are somewhat peculiar, resembling rather an addition of modern times than of old. In the sixteenth century an old keep was generally extended by the addition of single buildings round a courtyard, but here we have an addition made so as to render the whole buildings, old and new, one solid block. The remains of walls surrounding the castle are shown on the plan of the ground floor, with a round turret open to the out- side, an arrangement somewhat difficult of explanation, except on the footing that it was a late erection connected with a garden attached to the house at the south-east. That house is of good size, and is now in ruins. On one of the dormers was carved the date 1618, with the initials I-F-I-L. This dormer no longer exists. The LF- is sup- posed to be John Falside, to whose memory a tablet exists at Tranent Parish Church. This house, which had offices attached, was probably occupied by dependants of the family. HAINING, OR ALMOND CASTLE, LINLITHGOWSHIRE. This is a keep of the fifteenth century, which has received extensive additions in the sixteenth century. It is situated in the higher part of Linlithgowshire, not far from Polmont, and now stands in the middle of a cultivated field. FIRST FLOOR PLAN EEtj GROUND PLAN FIG. 357. Haining Castle. Plans. The original keep (Fig. 357) is of the L plan, but the doorway, which was on the first floor, was not placed, as usual, in the re-entering angle, but in the centre of the eastern or largest front. The newel staircase adjoining, which begins on the first floor, is however so situated as to give access to the apartments both of the main building and the wing. There would appear to have been no access from the basement