Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 1.djvu/485

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STIRLING CASTLE 465 THIRD PERIOD Castle,, forms a picturesque and interesting feature of the structure. The most ancient buildings appear, as usual, to have been on the highest point of the rocky site, situated at the north-west angle of the inner courtyard (Fig. 405), where the rock is about 250 feet above the level of the plain. The Castle first became a Royal residence after the accession of the Stewarts. James n. was born and frequently resided there. Fio. 404. Stirling Castle. North-East Postern. The Royal residence stood at this time at the north-west angle. There Douglas was induced to visit the King, and there met his doom. The buildings now called the " Douglas Room," etc., are modern, but no doubt occupy the site of the original castle or keep, and possibly contain some of the original walls. The inner court was probably the space now occupied by the courtyard, bounded on the south and east by the Palace 2 G