Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 1.djvu/494

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THIRD PERIOD 474 STIRLING CASTLE ceiling of the " presence-chamber " being adorned with carved oak panels representing the heads of Wallace, Bruce, and other Scottish FIG. 410. Stirling Castle. Details of Fireplaces in Palace. kings and worthies. These were all removed in 1777, as some of them had fallen through decay, and unfortunately were much damaged and dis- persed. But some of them are still preserved in the Smithsonian Institute in Stirling, and in the Antiquarian Museum in Edinburgh, where there are two of the original heads, and copies of several others. The fireplaces, of which some examples are given in Fig. 410, are almost the only portions of the internal ornamentation remaining, and even these are much injured and defaced. They are executed in free-