Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 1.djvu/553

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CROOKSTON CASTLE 533 THIRD PERIOD similar to those which still exist in the ancient walls on the ground floor. There are two loops in the south wall adjoining this court, the form of which indicates an ancient date. As above mentioned, Lord Maxwell repaired the castle in 1540, and introduced artillery. There are various signs of his handiwork easily traceable. The hori- zontal loopholes for guns which occur in various parts of the castle are clearly insertions, windows and doors having been built up to receive them. The large mound at the west end of the castle, which still retains traces of walls, has probably been a bastion erected in advance of the castle to receive guns ; but it is impossible in its present state to make out its form or construction. CROOKSTON CASTLE, RENFREWSHIRE. Situated on the top of a small hill or knoll about three miles south from Paisley, this castle forms a conspicuous object in the landscape. p"j b~ L. I (.' L t- I- U I. ~fcr t Fio. 455. Crookston Castle. Plan of Site. The estate belonged in the twelfth century to Robert de Croc, and in 1330 was purchased by Sir Alan Stewart, and granted in 1361 to