Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 1.djvu/603

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ARCHITECTURE OF SCOTLAND 583 INDEX Ravenscraig Castle, exceptional design, 226, 523 ; description, 538. Redcastle, primitive fortress, 63 ; description, 280. Renaissance style, 52, 53, 60, 131, 133, 182, 219, 322, 332, 470, 475, 483, 495, 505, 507, 51 6. Riviera, Castles in the, 20. Robertson, Dr. Joseph, 492, 495. Roche Guyon, Chateau de, remark- able site and subterranean pas- sages of, 36, 121. Rochester Castle, central wall, 7, 14 ; description, 15 ; enceinte, 22. Roman work in Gaul and England, 2, 3, 11, 12, 21, 42. Rosslyn Castle, description, 366. Rosyth Castle, description, 289- Rothesay Castle, primitive fortress, 63; oval plan, 64, 127; descrip- tion, 80 ; keep similar to Dun- donald, 221. Rouen, Tower of Jeanne d' Arc, 39, 40. Roxburgh Castle, primitive fortress, 64 ; one of the four principal fortresses, 464. Ruthven Castle, in Badenoch, primitive fortress, 63. (Perthshire), roof on parapet, 225 ; additions detached from keep, 226, 359; fireplace, 308 ; description, 395. SANQUHAR CASTLE, description, 415. Sauchie Tower, Old, wash-hand basin at, 1 82 ; description, 265. Saxons, wooden buildings of, 2 1 , 24. Scottish castles, early, resemblance to French and English castles, 21, 33. Scott, Sir Walter, Mannion, lip ; " Tillietudlem," 255. Sibbald, Sir Robert, description of Struthers Castle, 355. Slezer, view of Bothwell Castle, 104; view of Stirling Castle, 467, 470. Somerton Castle, 43. Southampton, 23. Spynie, Bishop's Palace, corbels, etc., 224 ; description, 439. St. Andre, Chateau de, 33, 34, 35 ; resemblance to Dunstaffnage Castle, 92. St. Andrews, primitive fortress, 63. Cathedral, unroofed by Ed- ward i., 464. Castle, corridor at, 470. St. Giles', Edinburgh, vaulting of, 173. St. Margaret's Chapel, Edinburgh Castle, 460. Stirling Castle, primitive fortress, 64; courtyard plan, 222, 417; open timber roof, 306 ; descrip- tion, 464 ; work resembles that of Linlithgow Palace, 494, 495. 500 ; work resembles that of Falkland Palace, 504. Grey Friars' Church, buttresses of, 354. Argyll's Lodging, porch of, 393. Stobhall, porch at, 392. Stokesay Castle, 43. Stoneypath Tower, description of, 355. Strathbolgie, primitive fortress, 63. Struthers Castle, description, 353 ; exchanged for Dunnottar Castle, 564. TANTALLON CASTLE, like Crichton, Doune, etc., 214; courtyard plan, 222, 417 ; parapet with continuous corbel table, 225 ;