Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 1.djvu/607

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Four Volumes, Eoyal 8vo, 42s. net each Volume, with about 500 Illustrations in each Volume. THE CASTELLATED AND DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE OF SCOTLAND FROM THE TWELFTH TO THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY BY DAVID MACGIBBON AND THOMAS ROSS ARCHITECTS VOLUME ONE " One of the most important and complete books on Scottish architecture that has ever been compiled. Its value to the architect, the archaeologist, and the student of styles is at once apparent. It consists almost exclusively of what may be called illustrated architectural facts, well digested and arranged, and constituting a monument of patient research, capable draughtsmanship, and of well sustained effort, which do the authors infinite credit." Scotsman. EDINBURGH: DAVID DOUGLAS