Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/11

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CONTENTS OF VOLUME II. FOURTH PERIOD 1542-1700. PAGE Break in continuity of style, produced by I. Introduction of Renaissance; II. Use of artillery; III. The Reformation; IV. Union of England and Scotland Plans same as formerly,, but external aspect different Details This style not French Fourth Period plans examined Keeps L plans, Z plans, double towers Details and ornaments^ derived from military construction, but significance lost Renaissance details Corbelling and angle turrets, their history traced Com- parison of Scottish and French styles Resemblance to Renaissance of Germany Billings' views Accommodation of larger castles Galleries and drawing-rooms introduced General improvements Staircases of Fourth Period Symmetry aimed at English taste prevails, . . . 1-20 FOURTH PERIOD Keep Plans. Descriptions of the following examples : Amisfield Tower, . . . Dumfriesshire, ... 20 Coxton Tower, . . . Elginshire, .... 23 Hallbar Tower, . . . Lanarkshire, .... 26 Knock Castle, . . . Aberdeenshire, ... 29 Kinnaird Head Castle, and Wine Tower, Aberdeenshire, . 31 Smailholm Tower, . . Roxburghshire, ... 35 Lochhouse Tower, . . Dumfriesshire, ... 38 Scotstarvet Tower, . . Fifeshire, .... 40