Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/636

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Andrew Jervise. Epitaphs and Inscriptions from Burial-Grounds and Old Buildings in the North-East of Scotland. By the late ANDREW JERVISE, F.S. A. Scot. With a Memoir of the Author. Vol II. Cloth, small 4to, 32s. Roxburghe Edition, 42s. The History and Traditions of the Land of the Lindsays in Angus and Mearns. By the late ANDREW JERVISE, F.S. A. Scot. New Edition, Edited and Revised by the Rev. JAMES GAMMACK, M.A. Demy 8vo, 14s. Large Paper, demy 4to, 42s. Memorials of Angus and the Mearns: an Account, Historical, Antiquarian, and Traditionary, of the Castles and Towns visited by Edward I., and of the Barons, Clergy, and others who swore Fealty to England in 1291-6. By the late ANDREW JERVISE, F.S. A. Scot. Rewritten and corrected by the Rev. JAMES GAMMACK, M.A. Illustrated with Etchings by W. HOLE, R.S.A. 2 vols. demy 8vo, 28s. Large Paper, 2 vols. demy 4to, 63s. Bishop Forbes. Kalendars of Scottish Saints. With Personal Notices of those of Alba, etc. By ALEXANDER PENROSE FORBES, D.C.L., Bishop of Brechin. 4to, price 3, 3s. A few copies for sale on large paper, 5, 15s. 6d. "A truly valuable contribution to the archaeology of Scotland. "Guardian. Thomas 8. Muir. Ecclesiological Notes on some of the Islands of Scotland, with other Papers relating to Ecclesiological Remains on the Scottish Mainland and Islands. By THOMAS S. MUIR, Author of " Characteristics of Church Architecture," etc. Demy 8vo, with numerous Illustrations, 21s. Sir Samuel Ferguson. Ogham Inscriptions in Ireland, Wales, and Scotland. By the late SIR SAMUEL FERGUSON, President of the Royal Irish Academy, Deputy Keeper of the Public Records of Ireland, LL.D., Queen's Counsel, etc. (Being the Rhind Lectures in Archaeology for 1884.) 1 vol. demy Svo, 12s. Miss Maclagan. The Hill Forts, Stone Circles, and other Structural Remains of Ancient Scotland. By C. MACLAGAN, Lady Associate of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. With Plans and Illustrations. Folio, 31s. 6d. "We need not enlarge on the few inconsequential speculations which rigid archaeologists may find in the present volume. We desire rather to commend it to their careful study, fully assured that not only they, but also the general reader, will be edified by its perusal. " Scotsman. Prof. Baldwin Brown. From Schola to Cathedral. A Study of Early Christian Architecture in its relation to the life of the Church. By G. BALDWIN BROWN, Professor of Fine Art in the University of Edinburgh. Demy 8vo, Illustrated, 7s. 6d. The book treats of the beginnings of Christian Architecture, from the point of view of recent discoveries and theories, with a special reference to the out- ward resemblance of early Christian communities to other religious associations of the time.